The OhVenus Team


December 10, 2020

Get your bestie a vibrator for her birthday

The best thing you can do for a woman you love is get her a sex toy. Here's why.

Your best girl is probably the hardest person to shop for. You know her so well that it's impossible to pick the one thing worthy of her. And you don't want to go for generic-off-the-counter, because bleugh. So it's two weeks before the big B or a month till Xmas, and you're still scrolling through Amazon trying to find that ultimate present.

Right, well - we're here to solve this for you. Here's what you should know: the hottest, most unique, most perfect, bestest (yes, that's a word) gift for someone you love - is a sex toy.

OK, stop making that face. We know it's unconventional. The truth is, most women don't talk about masturbation openly. Even with those closest to us, we're expected to be shy and demure. Talking about sex with a partner may be OK - especially in general, broad strokes - but when it comes to how we get going when we're all alone... best to keep quiet.

There are several opinions as to why that is. Some think that sexual pleasure make women chemically stronger and feistier. It was easier to just convince women that good girls don't talk about how they can orgasm 3 times a night. Other theories claim that female pleasure simply wasn't a priority, and therefore wasn't discussed. Men wrote the books, you see. And all those anatomical penis illustrations left no room for accurate descriptions of clitorises.

Other 'shameful' female topics are getting some air time for a while now, which is a positive development. We see red period blood in tv ads, sexual health discussed in the daily papers, #metoo-type movements springing up, bringing to light essential discussions on consent. But ohhh-moments? Sparkle explosions? Little deaths? Still taboo.

The good news is that women today are flipping the script. All around the world, open conversations are being held about female sexual health, body, and pleasure. Vibrators are now available in high market drugstores,  sitting prettily between chocolate and cosmetics. And women are starting to confidently share their vibe pics and orgasm stories on social media, creating a strong, sex-positive community.

Yay! So what next?

With staying-in the hottest activity for Xmas 2020, this is the orgasm's time to shine. We have more sex toys out in the open, even in mainstream magazines and films. And it's more than just OK to give your best friend a fab vibe, or - and that's just a random suggestion but - a huge box full of toys and self love treats. In fact, it's highly recommended. You'll be letting her know you're open to getting closer and talking about this essential part of your life. That you want her to be happy and self-satisfied. That you're not just getting her something to tick a box - you've put thought into it and picked out something unique and fresh she will truly enjoy.

And if that's not the perfect gift, we don't know what is!

Happy holidays ❤

Sex Toys
Sexual Health
Tips and Tricks
Sex positivity
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